Freeports & Partisan Politics!

And it needs you NOW!

The greatest threat to Scotland right now is the installation of Freeports & SEZs and the second greatest threat is Partisan Politics.

The sirens are wailing but no one is heeding.

The above article is really about the end of the process, the goal which always was about the privitisation of Local Authorities and the end of Local Democracy.

Towns, cities and huge acres of land owned and run by foreign private consortiums.

In Scotland we are at the beginning of the process thanks to Kate Forbes who just doesn’t seem to get it!….or does she?

There have been no open discussions in Holyrood about these Freeports etc so we have to assume all the Parties are in favour, so that leaves the new Parties and the people to take the high ground.

There can or shouldn’t be any partisan politics on this issue especially when Parties have policies in place against Freeports.

So my question is, why are some deliberately refusing to join and openly support the SalvoFreeport campaign? Which is by the way non-partisan.

It is hypocritical to lead ones members into thinking you’re against something when in reality you are not.

This matter is too important to Scotland to be playing games.

Do not dishonour Scotland, leave that to others.

Support @SalvoFreeports

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