How far Right will……..?

How far to the Right will Swinney + Forbes take us before we all disappear over the cliff and become Buffalo wings?!!

Or will the Chickens come home to roost before then?

The internet never forgets, even if we do!

It must be a living nightmare for our Politicians to try and remember what they have said or shouldn’t have said in the past, because there are thousands of us just waiting to remind them😂

So would Mr Swinney care to explain, why on Monday he was down in London at a Right Wing Think Tank meeting?

I think this is self-explanatory!

When I was in the SNP it was Left of Center, now it’s so far Right it’s become part of the Libertarianism thinking movement [USA] where Privatisation is the name of the game. This will eventually include your SNHS and Education, for starters.

So, you can buy the best health care and the best education for your kids…..if you have the money.

We will be back to the worst of the old days….if you have it….you will get it…..if not…you won’t!

But what we can do, through Salvo/Liberation is get the BEST of the old days, modernise it, add Direct Democracy and take back control.

John Swinney has 2yrs to prove himself, we have two years to make sure we change Holyrood!

Don’t let the big guys eat you up!

ps. I do like Buffalo wings, but I don’t want to become one… you!!

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