Marching backwards…..

I was going to say Scotland is marching backwards in time but in truth the whole of Britain is. England is as much at threat as Scotland is from the huge consortiums that are buying up the land.

Freeports and SEZs will eventually cover the majority of land around the country and along with that comes privatisation and the death of democracy.

We are returning to the old days of servatude when Lords ruled the land and the peasants worked it for a pittance. Only this time it is the conglomerates and foreign ones at that who will own the land and those living on it. Your house will not be your own if they want the land beneath it, thanks to Gove including compulsory buying legislation.

But you know what’s funny or not so funny about that fact, Holyrood itself comes within the Freeport boundary!!!

Just think that one through for a minute or two!!!

Another prime example of this can be seen in Edinburgh, the part that comes within the Forth Freeport. A huge amount of housing is being built for rental, but it’s not being built by the authority….its being built and thus owned by Freeport Consortiums! So they profit not only from rents but also from free taxes!!

And this is happening with the full approval of the SG!

We need to learn the lessons from Teeside!

We need to rise up with one voice and say to Humza and Westminster….you have come this far but no further!

Or we will become oppressed people again serving unelected masters.

The new Tax rules within the Cromarty Freeport area became live last week so in some respects and in some places we are already too late to halt the advance of privatisation…..have we time to stop others?

One thing is for sure in 2026 we must take power back into the hands of the people by the ballot box. Politicians must be reminded that they work for us not us for them.

A new system of governance is required…..its called Direct Democracy.

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