Where has our self-respect gone?

Shame on them and shame on us!

Once again we see and allow Westminster to disrespect us as a Nation, and once again we see our representatives humiliated…..I call it out for what it is…..Abuse!

And as long as we accept it, we deserve it!


Because we have lost our self-respect both as a people and a Nation and we have done that through our silence.

Where is our anger, where is our passion?

Attending Marches is good but on its own, it’s not good enough!

An Election has been called, it was a surprise, yes, but then the Tories are always full of surprises….and not in a good way. This was deliberate.

So let’s use it to regain our self-respect by sending them a clear unequivocal message. One that says…were done here….were out!

Its called Abstention!

Remember the game stops when we stop playing! Without Scottish MPs, Westminster falls and the Union ends….it really is that simple!

Then Holyrood really has to start working for its money and what’s more, it has to start working with the people….not the other way around.

We’ve had many Think Tanks working on plans for Independence over the years, so there must be a number of blueprints in the cupboards!!

Then there is Salvo…a work-in-progress.


No more idle hands in Holyrood, no more pet projects….just get on with the job your were elected to do or you will be judged in 2026!

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