
Social media police…😅😅

It never occurred to me that there are those out there who have nothing better to do than hover over their member’s accounts to make sure they don’t tick the wrong box!

If they dare to agree with anything anyone says outwith their own Party….out comes the big black marker. Regardless of how sensible the comment may have been.

Such is the insecurity of some Political leaders these days, and these are the very same leaders who have wanted cross-party cooperation in the past.

To have to live with that kind of insecurity must cause immense strain and shattered nerves. I personally can’t think of any job on earth that would be worth that kind of hell.but then I have never sought power for power’s sake.

There is a huge difference between seeking Leadership and seeking Power, sadly our Political leaders of today think they are one and the same.

Leadership is about bringing your people with you, Power is about control and when you need to spy on your own members to retain that kind of Power you show your weakness.

Scotland needs a restart, one with a level playing field.

The Union!

A place where everyone counts and has an equal chance of succeeding in life.

I for one am grateful that Salvo and Liberation have the same vision. Time is not on my side but for our future generations, there’s everything to fight for and fight we must through every Court available.

Treaties once signed and still Legal must be honoured. No ifs no buts….

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